Prof. Fabel

For a fair and transparent allocation of thesis supervision spots Prof. Fabel has the following rules for deciding which theses to supervise:
There are exactly 10 thesis supervision spots available at any point in time. These spots will be allocated on 1 fixed date (deadline for handing in the proposals: 16.06.2025 in the summer semester; allocation follows a couple of days after the deadlines).

It is strongly recommended that students discuss their topic project idea in an office hour before entering into the final registration procedure!
You are asked, to register not last minute for the office hour! Please also indicate your taken courses and your grades.

To apply for a free spot students have to submit a 3-5 page thesis proposal. The number of available supervision slots determines the maximum number of students that can be accepted for supervision from within the submitted thesis proposals.

The thesis proposal needs to elaborate on the following points

  •  the precise research question addressed by the thesis
  •  methods
  •  applicants prior knowledge regarding the research question
  •  a preliminary list of references
  •  (if applicable) information about possible access to data, business contacts, etc…
  •  risks that could lead to the failure of the project, and how those will be dealt with
  •  list of successfully completed courses in the Major/Minor
  •  what draws you to writing your thesis in our area of research

Proposals (.pdf or doc files) should be submitted by the dates indicated above:

Accepted proposals will be registered at the SSC with an acceptance of supervision form (Anmeldung der Masterarbeit  - Thema und Betreuung).

In preparation for a successful proposal submission and thesis writing process we highly encourage candidates to take at least one of the following two courses before applying for thesis supervision:

  • KU Data Analysis on Organization and Personnel (MA) (if thesis necessitates work with large data sets)
  • KU Empirical Methods in Decision Sciences (MA) (if thesis is to include experimental methodology)

Please be aware that Prof. Fabel is already supervising a considerable number of theses and will thus only be able to take on very few new supervisions. Therefore we recommend sending your proposal to all possible supervisors interested in the research area of your proposal. For a list please visit the SSC homepage.

Prof. Rauner

For information on how to apply for supervision with Prof. Rauner please visit the Public and Non-profit Management page here. Please be aware that for supervision of topics on Public & Non-profit Management students are expected to attend the corresponding lectures!

Prof. Vetschera

Due to his imminent retirement Prof. Vetschera is not taking on new supervisions.

Please note

that Prof. Vetschera will retire on Sept. 30, 2024, and supervision of Master Theses cannot be guaranteed beyond that date.
Students starting their thesis work during the summer term 2024 should therefore plan to complete their work by end of 2024 at the latest.

Prof. Windsperger


Before you apply for a topic, you have to complete at least one of the following courses:

  • Theory of the international Firm
  • Global Strategy
  • International Market Entry

Rules for Scientific Writing
Since you are in the process of submitting the final version of the master thesis, please remember to  submit a final version that consistently applies the formal rules of writing a research paper. Very often we receive a final study that has not consistently applied the rules of writing a research paper. Here are two references for preparing the thesis:

  • Karmasin, M., R. Rainer, Die Gestaltung wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten, , 2015, UTB Facultas
  • Skern, T., Writing Scientific English, 2015, UTB Facultas

FURTHER INFORMATION on Prof. Windsperger's personal homepage.



Special focus: European Dimension of International Business

We offer 1-2 supervision spots each semester for the students who want to write a thesis within the framework of the Jean Monnet Project “International Business – Strategies for Integrated Europe”.
To apply please state in your proposal that you want to write your thesis within the Jean Monnet Project and send it (.pdf or .doc file) to If your proposal is accepted, the main supervisor will be assigned depending on the capacity and specific focus within the Organization, Personnel and International Management group. Dr. Oksana Galak would act as a co-supervisor on the theses.
Successful completion of the course “European Dimension of International Business” prior to application is strongly recommended.