Professor of International Business

Professor honoris causa, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania,

Founder and Organizer of EMNET Conferences:

Coordinator of CESEENet: (2014 - 2021)

Office Hours: Room: 4-303

Wednesday: 11.00 - 12.45, please arrange a meeting by email! (



CV and Publications                                                                                                             

Nationality: Austrian

Marital status: Married

Four children


Handelsakademie in Braunau am Inn (1970 – 1975)

Study of Economics and Business Administration, Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration (1976 – 1980) and University of Vienna.

Postgraduate Study in Economics at the Institute of Advanced Studies, Vienna (1980 – 1982).

Doctoral Study in Economics, Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration (1982 – 1986).

Postdoctoral Fellow at the Yale School of Organization and Management (Oliver Williamson), Yale University (1988 – 1989), New Haven, USA.

‘Habilitation’: Institutional Economic Studies in Franchising Networks and Other Contractual Relations, Center of Business Studies, University of Vienna (June 2004).

Professional Experience

Teaching Assistant, Department of Economics, Vienna University of Economics (1980-81).

Lecturer and Research Assistant, Department of Business Administration, University of Vienna (1985 – 1995)

Assistant Professor of Organization and Management, Department of Management, University of Vienna (1996 – 2004).

Associate Professor of Organization and Management, Department of Business Decisions and Analytics, University of Vienna (October 2004 - 2021 ).

Professor of International Business, Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics, University of Vienna (November 2023 - October 2025).

Professor Honoris Causa, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania (since May 2013) -


Lecturer in different Universities of Applied Sciences: FH Kufstein, Joanneum Graz; FH Styria, Graz; FH BFI Vienna.

Visiting Professor at the ESC (Graduate School of Management), Clermont, France (March 2005).

Visiting Professor at the Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj, Romania (November-January 2006; February-March 2007, March 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019).

Visiting Professor at the Université de Rennes 1, CREM UMR CNRS (2006, 2011).

Visiting Professor at the University of Sarajevo (April 2007, June 2015).

Visiting Professor at the Frederick University, Cyprus (November 2008).

Visiting Professor at the University of Czernowitz, Ukraine (October 2007, 2010).

Visiting Professor at the Université Jean Monnet, Saint-Etienne, France (May 2013)

Visiting Professor at the Rennes School of Business, France (March 2022; April 2023)

Visiting Professor at the Escuela Politécnica Nacional (EPN), Quito, Ecuador (November 2022)

Main Research Fields

My research fields: Economics and Management of Networks (Franchising, Joint Ventures, Strategic Alliances, Clusters), International Market Entry, and Theory of the Firm.


German Economic Association for Business Administration

Society for Institutional and Organizational Economics

International Society of Franchising

International Schumpeter Society

Organization Design Community


Publications -

  1. Books:

Erwartungen und ökonomische Theoriebildung, Berlin 1988.

 Transaktionskostenansatz der Entstehung der Unternehmensorganisation, Heidelberg, 1996.


  1. Edited Books:

Windsperger J. et al. (2004), Economics and Management of Franchising Networks,

Springer, Heidelberg.

Cliquet, G., G. Hendrikse, M. Tuunanen, J. Windsperger (2007), Economics and

Management of Networks, Springer.

Hendrikse, G., J. Windsperger, G. Cliquet, M. Tuunanen (2008), Strategy and Governance

of Networks, Springer.

Tuunanen, M., J. Windsperger, G. Cliquet, G. Hendrikse (2011), New Developments in the Theory of Networks, Springer.

Ehrmann, T., G. Cliquet, G. Hendrikse, J. Windsperger (2013), Network Governance: Alliances, Cooperatives and Franchise Chains, Springer, Berlin.

Windsperger, J., Cliquet, G., Ehrmann, T., G. Hendrikse (2015), Interfirm Networks, Springer.

Hendrikse, G., G. Cliquet, T. Ehrmann, J. Windsperger (2017), Management and Governance of Networks: Franchising, Cooperatives and Alliances, Springer, Berlin. 

Windsperger, J., G. Cliquet, G. Hendrikse, M. Sreckovic (2020), DESIGN and MANGEMENT OF INTERFIRM NETWORKS: Franchising Networks, Cooperatives and Alliances, Springer.

Hendrikse, G., G. Cliquet, I. Hajdini, A. Raha, J. Windsperger (2023), Networks in International Business: Managing Cooperatives, Franchises and Alliances, Springer, Berlin.

  1. Journals:


Editor of Special Issues

 Editor of International Studies of Management and Organization – Special Issue: Network Governance (2009) (with G. Hendrikse)

 Editor of Journal of Retailing – Special Issue: Franchising and Retailing (2011) (with R. Dant, M. Gruenhagen)

 Editor of Managerial and Decision Economics – Special Issue: Governance of Franchising Networks, Cooperatives and Alliances (with T. Ehrmann, G. Cliquet, G. Hendrikse) (2013).

 Editor of International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management (with Tugba Gurcaylilar-Yenidogan) – Special Issue: Governance of Interfirm Networks in the Automotive Industry: The Static - Dynamic Efficiency Paradox (1/2017)

Editor of Special Issue in Small Business Economics: Economics and Strategy of Entrepreneurial Networks (with G. Cliquet, T. Ehrmann, G. Hendrikse) (2018) -

Guest Editor of Special Issue in Industrial Marketing Management: Interfirm Networks and Innovation (with G. Cliquet, G. Hendrikse, M. Sreckovic, Z. Yaqub) (2020) -

Guest Editor of Special Issue in European Journal of International Management: Special Issue: Governance, Strategy and Management of International Business Networks in Uncertain Times (Windsperger, J., A. Raha, M. Jell-Ojobor, Yaqub, Z.) (4, 2024)



Transaktionskosten in der Theorie der Firma, Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, 53, 1983,

889 – 903.


Gleichgewicht und Wissen, Jahrbuch für Sozialwissenschaft, 34, 1983, 232 – 245.


Erwartungen und Investitionen in Keynes‘ “Allgemeiner Theorie“, Wirtschaft und

Gesellschaft, 9, 1983, 535 – 549.


Zinsrigiditäten und Unsicherheit in Keynes‘ „Allgemeiner Theorie“, Wirtschaftspolitische

Blätter, 30, 3, 1983, 98 – 103.


Effiziente Wirtschaftspolitik und Ungleichgewicht, Wirtschaftspolitische Blätter, 31, 5,

1984, 609 – 619.


Aktive Strukturpolitik in der gegenwärtigen Krise: Gibt es eine Alternative?, Wirtschaft

und Gesellschaft, 10, 1984, 271 – 287.


Transaktionskosten und das Organisationsdesign von Koordinationsmechanismen,

Jahrbuch für Neue Politische Ökonomie, 4, 1985, 199 – 218.


Wettbewerb als dynamischer Prozess, ORDO, 37, 1986, 3 – 18.


Lohn- und Preisbildung der Firma, Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, 57, 1987, 59 – 76.


Zur Methode des Transaktionskostenansatzes, Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, 57, 1987,

59 – 76.


Das Organisationsdesign der Unternehmung als Institution im kapitalistischen und

sozialistischen Wirtschaftssystem, Wirtschaftpolitische Blätter, 35, 1988,

417 – 428.


Equilibrium and the Design of Coordination Mechanism, Jahrbuch für Sozialwissenschaft,

41, 1990, 181 – 197.


The Meaning of Adjustment Costs in the Theory of the Firm, Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und

Sozialwissenschaften, 111, 1991, 425 – 435.


Der Unternehmer als Koordinator, Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, 61, 1991, 1413 – 1429.


Die Preisbildung: Die Lücke in der betriebwirtschaftlichen und volkswirtschaftlichen

Theorie, Journal für Betriebswirtschaft, 2, 1992, 104 – 126.


A Theoretical Foundation of the Learning Curve, Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und

Statistik, 209, 1992, 223 – 230.


The Evolution of the Vertically Integrated Firm: A Transaction Cost Analyis, in: K. Aiginger and J. Finsinger (eds.), Applied Industrial Organization, 1994, 111-130. Kluwer Academic Publishers.


Die Entstehung der Netzwerkunternehmung: Eine transaktionskostentheoretische

Analyse, Journal für Betriebswirtschaft, 3, 1995, 190 – 200.


Transaktionsspezifizität, Reputationskapital und Koordinationsform, Zeitschrift für

Betriebswirtschaft, 66, 1996, 965 – 978.


The Nature of Franchising: A Property Rights Approach, Review of Economics, 2, 1996,

130 – 143.


Beziehung zwischen Transaktionskosten- und Kontingenztheorie der Organisation,

Journal für Betriebswirtschaft, 4, 1997, 190 – 202.


Ungelöste Probleme der Transaktionskostentheorie, Journal für Betriebswirtschaft, 4,

1998, 266 – 276.


Unternehmen versus Markt, Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, 12, 2000, 391 - 395.


The Fee Structure of Franchising: A Property Rights View, Economics Letters, 2001, 73,

219 – 226.


The Structure of Ownership Rights in Franchising Networks: An Incomplete Contracting

View, European Journal of Law and Economics, 13, 2002, 129-142.


Allocation of Decision and Ownership Rights in Franchise Relationships: Empirical

Results from the Austrian Franchise Sector, Journal of Marketing Channels, 10, 2002, 19 –



Complementarities and Substitutabilities in Franchise Contracting: Empirical Results

from the German Franchise Sector, Journal of Management and Governance, 7, 2003, 291 –



Centralization of Franchising Networks: Evidence from the Austrian Franchise Sector,

Journal of Business Research, 57, 2004, 1361 – 69.


Allocation of Residual Income Rights under internal Governance: The Case of the

Hungarian Trucking Industry, Competitio, III (April), 2004.


The Dual Network Structure of the Franchising Firm: Property Rights, Transaction Cost

and Resource Scarcity Explanations, in Windsperger J. et al. (2004), Economics and

Management of Franchising Networks, Heidelberg.


Structuring Residual Income and Decision Rights: Empirical Results from the Hungarian

Trucking Industry, Managerial and Decision Economics, 26, 2005, 295 – 305.


Contractibility and Ownership Redirection in Franchising: A Property Rights View (coauthor R.Dant), Journal of Retailing, 82, 2006, 259 – 272.


A Resource-Based View of Competitive Advantage of Cities: Headquarter Advantages of

Vienna in CEE, SEE Journal of Economics and Business, 2, 2006, 20 - 31.


The Governance Structure of Franchising Firms: A Property Rights View (Co-author: A.

Yurdakul), in G. Cliquet et al. (2007), Economics and Management of Networks, Springer



The Knowledge Transfer Strategy in Franchising Networks, in: G. Hendrikse et al.

(2008), Strategy and Governance of Networks, Springer Verlag.


Exploring the Relationship between Decision and Ownership Rights in Joint Ventures:

Empirical Results from Hungary (co-author: E. Kocsis, M. Rosta), International Studies of

Management and Organization, 2009/2010, 39, 43 - 59.


On Network Governance (co-author: G. Hendriske), International Studies of Management and Organization, 2009/2010.


Allocation of Decision Rights in Joint Ventures, Managerial and Decision Economics, 30, 2010, 491 – 501.


Multi-unit Franchising as Ownership Strategy (co-author: D. Hussain), Journal of Marketing Channels, 17, 3 – 31, 2010.


Knowledge Attributes and the Choice of Knowledge Transfer Mechanisms in Franchising (co-author: N. Gorovaia), Journal of Management and Governance, 15, 2011, 617 – 640


Determinants of Contractual Completeness in Franchising (co-author: G. Hendrikse), in: New Developments in the Theory of Networks, M. Tuunanen et al. (eds.), Springer 2011.


The Use of Knowledge Transfer Mechanisms in Franchising (co-author: N. Gorovaia), Knowledge and Process Management, 17, 2010, 12 – 21


Organization of Knowledge Transfer in Clusters: A Knowledge-based View (co-author: M. Sreckovic), in: New Developments in the Theory of Networks, M. Tuunanen et al. (eds.), Springer (2011).


Multi-unit Franchising: A Comparative Case Analysis (co-author: Dildar Hussain), Journal of Applied Business Research, 27, No. 1, 2011, 103-112.


The Structure of Decision Rights in Franchising Networks: A Property Rights Perspective (co-author N. Mumdziev), Entrepreneurial Theory and Practice, 35, 2011, 449 – 465.


Franchising Research Frontiers for the Twenty First Century (co-author: R. Dant, M. Grünhagen), Journal of Retailing, 2011, 87, 253 – 268.


Determinants of the Knowledge Transfer Strategy in Franchising: Integrating Knowledge-based and Relational Governance Perspectives (co-author Nina Gorovaia), The Service Industries Journal, 11, 2011, 1 – 18.


Antecedents of Contractual Completeness: the Case of Tour Operator-Hotel Allotment Contracts (co-author Tugba Gurcaylilar-Yenidogan, Alp Yenidogan), Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 24 2011, 1036–1048.


Contractability, Strategy and Network Dynamics: From Franchising to Licensing (co-author S. Leitmannslehner), Journal of Marketing Channels, 19, 2012, 229 – 249.


The Choice between Single-unit and Multi-unit Franchising: Agency and Transaction Cost Perspectives (co-author Dildar Hussain), Journal of Applied Business Research, 28, 2012, 769 – 76, 2012.


The Impact of Trust on the Choice of Knowledge Transfer Mechanisms in Clusters, in Ehrmann, T., G. Cliquet, G. Hendrikse, J. Windsperger, Network Governance: Alliances, Cooperatives and Franchise Chains, Springer, 2013, 73  - 85.


An Extended Transaction Cost Model of Decision Rights Allocation in Franchising (co-author N. Mumdziev), Managerial and Decision Economics, 34, 2013, 170 – 182.


Formal and Real Authority in Interorganizational Networks (co-author Patrick Hippmann), Managerial and Decision Economics, 34, 2013, 319 – 327.


Real Options, Intangible Resources and Performance of Franchise Firms (co-author Nina Gorovaia), Managerial and Decision Economics, 34, 2013, 183 – 194.


A Property Rights View of Multi-unit Franchising (co-author: Dildar Hussain), European Journal of Law & Economics, 35, 2013, 169 - 185.


Centralization of Decision Making Authority in Interorganizational Networks: Evidence from the Austrian Automotive Cluster (together with: Tugba Gurcaylilar-Yenidogan), Journal of Global Strategic Management, 13, 2013, 184 – 194.


The Choice of Governance Modes of International Franchise Firms: Development of an integrative Model (together with Maria Jell-Ojobor), Journal of International Management, 20, 2014, 153 – 187.


Trust and the Tendency towards Multi-unit Franchising (co-authors: M. Griessmair, H. Dildar), Journal of Business Research, 67, 2014, 2337 - 2345.


Inter-organizational Performance in the Automotive Supply Networks: The Role of Environmental Uncertainty, Specific Investments and Formal Contracts (together with Tugba Gurcaylilar-Yenidogan), Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 150, 2014, 813 - 822.


Trust, Transaction Costs and Contractual Incompleteness in Franchising (co-authors: G. Hendrikse, P. Hippmann), Small Business Economics, 44, 2015, 867 – 888.


An Investigation into Independent Small Business Owners’ Perception of Franchisee Relationships (co-author: R. Perrigot, H. Dildar), International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 43, 2015, 693 – 711.


Trust, Decision Rights Delegation and Performance - The Case of Franchising (co-authors M. Herz, C. Hutzinger, H. Seferagic), Journal of Small Business Management,  2016, 54, 73 – 91.


A Cross-National Comparision of Brand: Perceptions of Global Franchise Chains in BRICS (co-authors R. Dant, J. Jeon, N. Mumdziev), Journal of Marketing Channels,  2016, 23, 196 - 216.


DETERMINANTS OF THE GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE OF THE INTERNATIONAL FRANCHISE FIRM - A Case Study Analysis in the Automotive Rental Industry (co-author Maria Jell-Ojobor), International Marketing Review, 2017, 34, 814 - 884.

Seeing through the Network: Competitive Advantage in the Digital Economy (co-author Thorsten Koch), Journal of Organization Design, 2017, 6, 2 – 30.

Entrepreneurial Orientation, Risk and Incentives: The Case of Franchising (co-authors C. Lanchimba, M. Fadairo), Small Business Economics, 2018, 50, 163 - 180 (DOI 10.1007/s11187-017-9885-3)(appendix)

An Organizational Capability Perspective on Multi-unit Franchising (co-authors Hussain Dildar, Marijana Sreckovic), Small Business Economics, 2018, 50, 1 - 11.

Governance and Strategy of Entrepreneurial Networks: An Introduction (co-authors G. Hendrikse, G. Cliquet, T. Ehrmann), Small Business Economics, 2018, 50, 1 – 6.

The Choice of Contract Duration in Franchising Networks: A Transaction Cost and Resource-based View (co-author Nina Gorovaia), Industrial Marketing Management, 2018, 75, 125 – 133.

Contractual Restraints and Performance in Franchise Networks (co-author Ilir Hajidi), Industrial Marketing Management, 2019, 82, 96 - 105.

Decentralized Autonomous Organizations and Network Design in AEC: a conceptual framework (co-author, M. Sreckovic), Available at SSRN 3576474 (2019)


The Bright Sight and Dark Side of Trust: The Mediating Effect of Franchisor Trust on Performance (co-authors: D. Minarikova, N. Mumdziev, M. Griessmair), Managerial and Decision Economics, 2020, 41, 116 – 129.


Design and Management of Interfirm Networks: An Introduction, in: J. Windsperger, G. Cliquet, G.W. J. Hendrikse, and M. Sreckovic (eds.) DESIGN and MANGEMENT OF INTERFIRM NETWORKS: Franchising Networks, Cooperatives and Alliances, Springer, 2020, 1 – 9.


Ownership Structure of Franchise Chains: Trade-off between Adaptation and Control (co-authors: M. Glaser, M. Jirasek), International Journal of the Economics of Business, 2020, 27, 357 – 375.


Determinants of overall franchisee satisfaction: Application of the performance feedback theory (co-authors: M. Jirasek, S. Gaffke), Journal of Strategic Marketing, 2020.


     Network Innovation versus Innovation through Networks (2020) (co-authors Z. Yaqub, M. Sreckovic, G. Cliquet, G. Hendrikse), Industrial Marketing Management, 90, 79 - 89.


      REAL OPTIONS IN FRANCHISE CONTRACTING:  An Application of Transaction Cost and Real Options Theory (co-author Ilir Hajdini), European Journal of Law and Economics, 2020, 50, 313 - 337.

Franchising and Country Development: Evidence from 49 Countries (co-authors: C. Lanchimba, H. Porras, Y. Salazar), International Journal of Emerging Markets, 2021 (DOI 10.1108/IJOEM-07-2020-0779).


A Multilateral Stakeholder Salience Approach: An Extension of the Stakeholder Identification and Salience Framework  (co-authors: A. Raha, I. Hajdini), Industrial Marketing Management, 2021, 97, 1- 9.

Governance of International Franchise Networks: Combining Value Creation and Value Appropriation Perspectives (co-authors: M. Jell-Ojobor, I. Hajdini), Journal of Business Research, 139, 2022, 267 – 279.


The Choice of Master International Franchising - A Modified Transaction Cost Model (co-authors: M. Jell-Ojobor, I. Alon), International Business Review, 31, 2, 2022 -


The Structure of Decision Rights in International Joint Ventures: A Property Rights and Transaction Cost View (so-authors: O. Galak, A. Raha), European Journal of International Management, 19, 3, 2023, 338-364.


Market Entry through Multilateral Networks in Developing Countries: The Case of Public-Private Development Partnership in Zambia (co-authors: N. Brockmann-Hosseini, M. Jell-Ojobor), in: Hendrikse G. et al., Networks in International Business, Springer, 2023, 279 -307.


Governance, Strategy, and Management of International Business Networks in Uncertain Times (co-authors: Z. Yaqub, A. Raha, M. Jell-Ojobor), European Journal of International Management, 2023 (in print).

Performance of Knowledge Transfer Mechanisms: The Case of Franchising Networks (co-authors: N. Gorovaia, M. Pajic), Industrial Marketing Management, 115, 2023, 539–549.