Smart Production I or Supply Chain Management I

In cooperation with the chair for Production and Operations Management we offer two minors which can be extended to an major. Both deal with classical problems araising in the field of logistics and apply methods from the area of operations management/ research to those problems. 

The minor "Smart Production" mainly focuses on production and inventory problems. From a method point of view you will deal with scheduling problems and get insides to simulation based solution mehtods. 

In contrast the minor "Supply Chain Management" deals with routing problems and in general the flow of goods & services. This envolves the whole value creation process in production or service industries from an raw product or any kind of ressource to the point of sale. This minor focuses on exact solution/ modelling approaches for different routing and shortest path problems. 

If one of these minors gets extended to a major you may also apply and implement metaheursitic methods to those problems.


Univ.-Prof. Dr. Karl F. Dörner & O.Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Richard F. Hartl

Für organisatorische Fragen kontaktieren Sie bitte das zugehörige Sekretariat:

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Karl F. Dörner

O.Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Richard F. Hartl

Language requirements

English (C1) & German (B2)

But the courses of this modul are offered mostly in English language.