ao. Univ.-Prof. i.R. Mag. Dr. Josef Windsperger
Josef Windsperger

Sprechstunde: Mittwochs - nur mit Anmeldung über :

Wintersemester 2024
040148 SE Masterarbeitskonversatorium - Transdisziplinäres Masterarbeitskonversatorium
040301 SE Bachelorseminar (inkl. Bachelorarbeit) - International Business
Sommersemester 2024
040142 SE Bachelorseminar (inkl. Bachelorarbeit) - International Business
Wintersemester 2023
040148 SE Masterarbeitskonversatorium - Transdisziplinäres Masterarbeitskonversatorium
040301 SE Bachelorseminar (inkl. Bachelorarbeit) - International Business
1 - 20 von 127
Windsperger, J., & Raha, A. (Hrsg.) (2025). Research handbook on the theory of the firm. Manuskript in Vorbereitung. in Research handbook on the theory of the firm Edward Elgar Publishing.

Glaser, M., Malyar, A., Karrenberg, L., Jirasek, M., & Windsperger, J. (2021). Nurture the Business Relationship before Resting on the Laurels of Trust: Exchange, Relationship Quality, Franchisee Satisfaction and the Moderating Role of Trust. Proceedings Annual Conference of the International Society of Franchising

Jirásek, M., Glaser, M., & Windsperger, J. (2019). Ownership Structure of Franchise Chains: Trade-off between Adaptation and Control. Beitrag in 33rd Annual ISoF Conference, Vienna, Österreich.

Windsperger, J., Cliquet, G., Hendrikse, G. W. J., & Srećković, M. (2019). Design and management of interfirm networks: An introduction. in Contributions to Management Science: Design and Management of Interfirm Networks (S. 1-9). Springer. Contributions to Management Science

Windsperger, J., Cliquet, G., Hendrikse, G., & Sreckovic, M. (2019). Design and Management of Interfirm Networks: Franchise Networks, Cooperatives and Alliances. (1 Aufl.) Springer International Publishing. Contributions to Management Science

1 - 20 von 127
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Josef Windsperger


  • Institut für Business Decisions and Analytics


Study of Economics and Business Administration, Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration (1976 – 1980).
Postgraduate Study in Economics at the Institute of Advanced Studies, Vienna (1980 – 1982).
Doctoral Study in Economics, Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration (1982 – 1986).
Postdoctoral Fellow at the Yale School of Organization and Management (Oliver Williamson), Yale University (1988 – 1989).
‘Habilitation’: Institutional Economic Studies in Franchising Networks and Other Contractual Relations, Center of Business Studies, University of Vienna (June 2004).


Lanchimba, C, Porras, H, Salazar, Y & Windsperger, J 2024, 'Franchising and country development: evidence from 49 countries', International Journal of Emerging Markets, Jg. 19, Nr. 1, S. 7-32.
Yaqub, MZ, Raha, A, Jell-Ojobor, M & Windsperger, J 2024, 'Governance, Strategy, and Management of International Business Networks in Uncertain Times', European Journal of International Management.
Windsperger, J, Galak, O & Raha, A 2023, 'The Structure of Decision Rights in International Joint Ventures: A Property Rights and Transaction Cost View', European Journal of International Management, Jg. 19, Nr. 3, S. 338-364.
Jell-Ojobor, M, Alon, I & Windsperger, J 2022, 'The choice of master international franchising: A modified transaction cost model', International Business Review, Jg. 31, Nr. 2, 101942.
Jell-Ojobor, M, Hajdini, I & Windsperger, J 2022, 'Governance of international franchise networks: Combining value creation and value appropriation perspectives', Journal of Business Research, Jg. 139, S. 267-279.
Jirásek, M, Gaffke, SM & Windsperger, J 2022, 'Determinants of overall franchisee satisfaction: application of the performance feedback theory', Journal of Strategic Marketing, Jg. 30, Nr. 2, S. 221-238.
Raha, A, Hajdini, I & Windsperger, J 2021, 'A multilateral stakeholder salience approach: An extension of the stakeholder identification and salience framework', Industrial Marketing Management, Jg. 97, S. 1-9.


Windsperger, J, Cliquet, G, Ehrmann, T & Hendrikse, G 2015, Interfirm Networks: Franchising, Cooperatives and Strategic Alliances. Springer, Cham.
Thomas, E, Windsperger, J, Cliquet, G & Hendrikse, G (Hrsg.) 2013, Network Governance: Alliances, Cooperatives and Franchise Chains. Physica-Verlag GmbH und Co.
Windsperger, J 2012, Entscheidungsstrukturen in deutschen Franchisesystemen (co-author N. Mumdziev) DFV Jahrbuch Franchising. Unknown publisher.


Industrial Marketing Management (Fachzeitschrift)

Josef Windsperger (Redakteur*in), Gérard Cliquet (Redakteur*in), George Hendrikse (Redakteur*in), Marijana Sreckovic (Redakteur*in) & Muhammad Zafar Yaqub (Redakteur*in)

2020 → …

PhD-Workshop: Scientific Paper Writing in Management and Economics

Josef Windsperger (Organisator*in) & Christina Pawlowitsch (Mitarbeiter*in)

9 Sep. 201913 Sep. 2019

Determinants of Franchisee Overall Satisfaction: Application of the Performance Feedback Theory

Josef Windsperger (Vortragende*r), Michael Jirasek (Vortragende*r) & Susanne Maria Gaffke (Vortragende*r)

6 Juni 2019

Babeș-Bolyai University

Josef Windsperger (Gastforscher*in)

6 Jan. 201910 Jan. 2019

International Conference on Economics and Management of Networks

Josef Windsperger (Organisator*in)

15 Nov. 201818 Nov. 2018

Small Business Economics (Zeitschrift)

Josef Windsperger (Sonstige Rolle)

2018 → …

Babeș-Bolyai University

Josef Windsperger (Gastforscher*in)

18 Dez. 201721 Dez. 2017

An Extended Transaction Cost Model of Master International Franchising

Josef Windsperger (Vortragende*r)

10 Juni 2017

Transaction Cost Perspective on Master International Franchising

Josef Windsperger (Vortragende*r)

18 Mai 2017

Management and Governance of Networks: Franchsing, Cooperatives and Alliances (Zeitschrift)

Josef Windsperger (Mitglied eines HerausgeberInnengremiums)


Babeș-Bolyai University

Josef Windsperger (Gastdozent*in)

14 Dez. 201616 Dez. 2016

Brand Reputation of Global Franchise Chains in BRICS

Josef Windsperger (Keynote speaker)

3 Juni 2016

Brand Perceptions of Global Franchise Chains in the BRICS

Josef Windsperger (Keynote speaker)

13 Mai 2016

Josef Windsperger (Organisator*in)


11th International conference “Challenges of Europe”

Josef Windsperger (Teilnehmer*in)


Universität Wien (Externe Organisation)

Josef Windsperger (Vorsitzende*r)

2013 → …

Antecedents of Contractual Completeness: the Case of Tour Operator-Hotel Allotment Contracts

Josef Windsperger (Autor*in)

30 Juni 2011

Determinants of Franchisee Overall Satisfaction: Application of the Performance Feedback Theory

Josef Windsperger (Vortragende*r), Michael Jirasek (Vortragende*r) & Susanne Maria Gaffke (Vortragende*r)

6 Juni 2019

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragScience to Science

An Extended Transaction Cost Model of Master International Franchising

Josef Windsperger (Vortragende*r)

10 Juni 2017

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragScience to Science

Transaction Cost Perspective on Master International Franchising

Josef Windsperger (Vortragende*r)

18 Mai 2017

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragScience to Science

Brand Reputation of Global Franchise Chains in BRICS

Josef Windsperger (Keynote speaker)

3 Juni 2016

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragAndere

Brand Perceptions of Global Franchise Chains in the BRICS

Josef Windsperger (Keynote speaker)

13 Mai 2016

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragAndere

Eigentum und Kontrolle in Netzw

Windsperger, J.


Projekt: Forschungsförderung

Governance Strukt./Franchiseunt

Windsperger, J.


Projekt: Forschungsförderung

Tempus Projekt-Sarajevo

Windsperger, J.


Projekt: Forschungsförderung

Institut für Business Decisions and Analytics

Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1
1090 Wien
Zimmer: 04.303

T: +43-1-4277-38180