Welcome to

the Department of Business Decisions and Analytics

The Department of Business Decisions and Analytics is dedicated to high-quality research in quantitative economics and decision support. Building upon a data-driven and optimization-oriented perspective, we develop models and solve complex problems in today’s rapidly changing business environment. We are committed to research-based and competent teaching and try to convey a deep understanding of methods and real-world problems.




Biljana Roljic erhält UNIVIE Teaching Award 2020

Mit dem Lehrpreis unterstreicht die Universität Wien den hohen Stellenwert des Lehrens. Biljana Roljic gewinnt den Preis in der Kategorie „Lehren &...



Research Award for Dr. Yannick Scherr

Our department member Dr. Yannick Scherr has been awarded the GOR Young Researchers Award 2024.


New Publication: Paper in Technological Forecasting and Social Change accepted


The Principal Investigator Project “COMMIT – Collaborative Middle-Mile Transportation” of Dr. Yannick Scherr (BDA department) was approved by the FWF....



Retirement of Prof. Hartl and Prof. Vetschera

With September 30 2024, BDA professors Hartl and Vetschera have retired.

 New Papers

Zeige Ergebnisse 226 - 229 von 229
Mohammadhosseini Fadafan, E. (2020). The economic impact of the smart contracts using blockchain technologies. in Group Decision and Negotiation: A Multidisciplinary Perspective: 20th International Conference on Group Decision and Negotiation, GDN 2020, Toronto, ON, Canada, June 7–11, 2020, Proceedings (Band 388). Springer.

Ehmke, J. F., Köhler, C., & Campbell, A. M. (2020). The Value of Data for Customer Acceptance in Attended Home Deliveries. 1-4. Beitrag in Proceedings of the TSL Second Triennial Conference, USA / Vereinigte Staaten.

Zeige Ergebnisse 226 - 229 von 229