FRANCHISEGEBERFRAGEBOGEN (click here to download!)
On February 5th and 12th, I will not organize office hours! Instead the office hours will be held on Feb. 7th and Feb. 14th, 10.45 - 12.15!
Office hours on Wednesday 11.00 - 12.45: Please inform me by email in advance, if you want to come to my office or to use the online office hours!
I will only accept further master thesis supervisions beginning with February 2025,
(1) if the requests are forwarded by SSC, or
(2) if they refer to the FRANCHISE project, I will take 6 additional students. Please contact me if you are interested in joining this project team.
(3) if you are interested in the following topics:
Allocation of Decision Rights in Digital Platform Firms: A Multiple Case Study Analysis (3 Persons)
Impact of Blockchain on Decision Making in Organizations or Networks: A Multiple Case Study Analysis (4 Persons)
Market Entry Modes of Digital Platform Firms
Partnerzufriedenheit in Franchisenetzwerken (Literaturanalyse)
(please come to my office hours if you are interested in these topics)