Market Entry Strategies - European Perspective
The course is offered under the financing of the European Jean Monnet Program within the framework of the Jean Monnet Module "International Business - Strategies for Integrated Europe" (620581-EPP-1-2020-1-AT-EPPJMO-MODULE).
The course is concerned with the market entry decision of firms. In particular, such fundamental questions as where, when, and how to enter a foreign market become the focal points in the theoretical discussion.
The theoretical foundation and the empirical applications of the following market entry modes are discussed within the course: direct and indirect exporting, licensing, strategic alliances (non-equity and equity arrangements), franchising, FDI (brownfield investments, greenfield investments, etc.) as well as mergers & acquisitions. For this specific course this theoretical frame is complimented by the strong orientation towards the policies and practices implemented by the companies in the EU.
Thus, we will discuss the most pressing issues faced by international firms in the EU, including the decisions about outsourcing and offshoring, as well as the challenges of balancing the interests of multiple groups of stakeholders and the role of Corporate Social Responsibility it this process.
In all discussions the students are encouraged to think about the complexity of cultural and political environments in encountered by the European firms in the process of their regional and global expansion.
As a result, by the end of the course the students are expected to be able to evaluate the advantages and drawbacks related to different modes of market entry. They should be able to provide a coherent proposition for the European firms in terms of which country / region, when and how they should enter in order to build and utilise their competitive advantage.
Assessment and permitted materials
The course is delivered primarily through online lectures and online team-based presentations.
There are up to two on-site meetings planned, apart from the introductory class and an exam which are also planned to be held in class. This is subject to the further changes of the COVID-related situation and consequently the requirements imposed by the University of Vienna. In case of increasing risk of infections, the whole course will be held exclusively online.
If the attendance of the on-site sessions is not possible for the reasons related to the student's situation, this should be communicated to the instructor before the session.
Each student is strongly encouraged to participate in online discussions. Attendance is registered via an online tool and the participation is evaluated through the public chat function in the webinar tool. The participation is an important part of evaluation.
Students are strongly advised to read the assigned material from the reference books and articles, and to express opinions, comments, and insights relative to the discussion topic.
The overall level of students' knowledge is tested at an open-questions exam taking part at the end of the semester.
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
15% - Participation in in-class sessions and webinars
25% - Home Assignments
30% - Case Study
30% - Final Exam
The attendance and participation in the webinars are mandatory and evaluated via the tools integrated in Moodle. Technical problems can be taken into account, but only if they are timely communicated to the instructor and if all effort is exerted on the side of the student to resolve the issue.
Examination topics
The exam includes open-end questions covering all main topics of the course.
The requirements for the assignments are going to be discussed in detail during the first session.
Reading list
Required Readings:
CAVUSGIL, S. T., KNIGHT, G., & RIESENBERGER, J. R. (2014). International business: The new realities. Harlow, Pearson Education Limited.
JOHNSON, D., & TURNER, C. (2016). European business. London: Routledge.
MANDL, I., & PATRINI, V. (2018). European born globals: job creation in young international businesses. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. Additional Readings:
WALL, S., MINOCHA, S., & REES, B. (2015). International business. Harlow, England, Pearson.
WORLD BANK. Annual World Development Reports. Washington, DC: World Bank.
UNITED NATIONS. (2015). Millennium development goals report 2015. [S.l.], United Nations Pubns. Other Materials: Other class materials such as lecture slides are to be made available before the actual start of the classes.