The instances at hand have been used for the computational experiments in Wolfinger, D., Tricoire, F., Doerner, K.F., 2018. A matheuristic for a multimodal long haul routing problem. EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics doi:10.1007/s13676-018-0131-1. ############################################################################################### ################################## ################################## ################################## NAMING CONVENTION ################################## ################################## ################################## ############################################################################################### Each instance file is named as follows: a_#Requests_Version_Size_Vehicles[_Modifier].txt #Requests: indicates how many requests are in the instance (2, 5, 10, 30, 50, 100, 200) Version: indicates the version of the instance with the same number of requests (10) Size: indicates how many of the closest transshipment nodes of each pickup- & delivery-node are in the instance: 0: the closest port, and the closest train station are in the instance 1: all ports and all train stations are in the instance Vehicles: indicates the amount of long haul vehicles available 0: no long haul vehicles available (named “N” in the paper) 1: the available capacity of water-bound long haul vehicles equals 30% of the total demand, no rail-bound long haul vehicles available (named “W30” in the paper) 2: the available capacity of rail-bound long haul vehicles equals 30% of the total demand, no water-bound long haul vehicles available (named “R30” in the paper) 3: the available capacity of both water-bound and rail-bound long haul vehicles each equals 30% of the total demand (named “WR30” in the paper) 4: no restriction on the availability of long haul vehicles (named “∞” in the paper) 5: no restriction on the availability of water-bound long haul vehicles, no rail-bound long haul vehicles available (named “W” in the paper) 6: no restriction on the availability of rail-bound long haul vehicles, no water-bound long haul vehicles available (named “R” in the paper) 7: only one ship available (named “S” in the paper) 8: only one push craft with six barges available (named “P” in the paper) 9: only one train available (named “T” in the paper) 10: only 26 wagons available (named “G” in the paper) Modifier: indicates a certain modification to the original instance noWaggon: no wagons available 1dayTW: each time window is 8 hours wide 5dayTW: each time window is 120 hours wide 10dayTW: each time window is 240 hours wide 60dayPeriod: the time horizon of the instance is 60 days (instead of 30 days) ############################################################################################### ############################### ################################ ############################### INSTANCE FILE FORMAT ################################ ############################### ################################ ############################################################################################### 1. line: #NodeTypes; #Requests; #TransshipmentNodes; #Depots; #VehicleTypes; #Hours waiting time (at transshipment nodes); Max. # of passive veh. per active veh. For each node (order: depot, pickup, delivery, transshipment): Id; Type; x-coord.; y-coord.; Demand; StartTW; EndTW; LoadingRate (h/t) per vehicle type; TransshipmentCost; Label For each vehicle type: TypeId; #AvailableVehicles; Capacity; SelfDriving (binary); Compatibility per node type (binary); VariableCost; FixedCost; Label For each vehicle type: Distance matrix For each vehicle type: Time matrix