UK ABWL Production and Logistics II

The successful completion of the VO ABWL Production and Logistics is required for the registration for an UK ABWL Production und Logistics.

According to the new curriculum for Business Administration (since WS 2014) and International Business Administration (since WS 2014) the STEOP has to be completed first. A total of 5 ABWL modules have to be completed during the core phase, one of which is Production and Logistics. Like most ABWL modules it consists of two parts, the first of which is the lecture (VO 3 ECTS). In order to be able to classify and deal with the contents presented in the UK, an understanding of the topics covered in the lecture is required.

During the course it is required to solve exercises using a Computer. These exercises can and should be solved by using the Excel Solver. For this reason the revision of the topics covered in the course Information Technology is recommended. The script for this course is available during the first session and at the office of the Production and Logistics chair. Reading the script does not replace attendance during the course (mandatory attendance according to the curriculum).


      0. Introduction
      1. Aggregate Planning for multiple Products with one kind of Capacity

      Aggregate Planning for multiple products
      2. Multiple-period programme planning for multiple products

      Master Production Schedule (MPS)

      Multi-Period programme planning - simplest Model

Multi-Period programme planning - multiple levels
      Solving an LP model via the Excel Solver

      3. Introduction to stochastic procurement models

      Degrees of Service


      4. Material Requirements Planning

      Detailed programme driven requirements planning

      Consideration of lead times

      Determining work orders

      Inclusion of lot-size planning

      5. Lot-Sizing Problems

      Exact solutions to deterministic, dynamic Single-Product models

      Exact methods (Wagner-Whitin-Method)

      6. Capacity Planning and Scheduling

      Crashing in Precedence diagrams

      7. Production Planning

      Machine Scheduling


      Flow Shop-Problems

      Job Shop-Problems

      8. Travelling Salesman Problem

      LP Model

      Exact solution methods

      Heuristic solution methods


It is strongly recommended to revise the topics covered in the VO before the course begins!


  • Günther, H.O., Tempelmeier, H.: "Produktion und Logistik", 8th Edition, Springer, Berlin, 2009.

  • Günther, H.O., Tempelmeier, H.: "Übungsbuch Produktion und Logistik", 7th Edition, Springer, Berlin 2010.